Monday 1 March 2010

Re: Clan Matches

Hey Guys

For clan matches I'm thinking sometime this coming weekend. So maybe on Sunday 7th at about 10am GMT. I'll try my best to make a match. So if we get everyone online and free at 10ish we can have a game. If we have a clan TDM this weekend and a FFA next weekend.
If we have a TDM do people want it just within the clan or clan vs public?
I'll try to alert as many people as possible...

Have Fun
[JK] Gemn

Friday 26 February 2010

Clan Matches

Hey Guys!

I'd quite like to have a few matches together. Maybe a FFA just in the clan and a TDM clan v public.
Could be alot of fun. Especially if we worked together in the TDM. Anyways, tell me what you think and we can set something up!

Have fun,
[JK] Gemn

Monday 22 February 2010

I will be making a series of QL montages based on this clan. I hope you'll all get a mention eventually. For the time being, I have only made one video; you can view it on YouTube here.
[JK] Gemn

[JK] Logo

Hey Guys!
I've been doing some work to come out with a decent logo. I came up with one that is simple and sleek. Tell me which is best and I can do some final edits and do a final release that can run in vids and on this site :D

Justified Killing Clan

Hi Guys! Gemn here.

Justified Killing is a PC based First Person Shooter (FPS) clan. At the moment we are a relatively small group using Quake Live. It is a very laid back clan, more interested in having fun than getting lots of kills and a high kill to death (kd) ratio.

Anyone can join! - no minimum kd ratio.
- no need to even be particularly active.

Want to join? Just put [JK] as your clan tag.
Either by 1) 'edit my profile' tab on the home page
2) type \clan [JK] in the console. (bring up the console in game with the key just left of the '1' key)

We play just for fun! Also your gonna improve quicker if you just sit back and play than if your always worrying about kd ratios.

As soon as we get a few people joining we can have some propper clan matches.
I use GMT time so if i arrange anything make sure you read off a GMT clock rather that GMT-7 or something

Also I have made a montage of some practice gameplay - I was playing against Hardcore bots at Inner Sanctums and Campgrounds Redux.
I am in the process of making another montage. This time it will be more Clan based showing matches between our members.

Have fun,
[JK] Gemn